“The real problem is not that we are different, nor that we disagree and have conflict. It's that most of us automatically view conflict as something negative rather than as a tool God can use to help us better understand ourselves and one another.

--Robert Ricciardelli”

Saturday, November 24, 2007

11/24 Morning Report

Liberal rumblings are being heard in several countries. Australia’s Labor Party is claiming victory in the elections there. Conservatives are split. Prime Minister John Howard says Labor, dominated by trade unionists, would end the economic growth in Australia. That would be bad for Australians, as well as the global economy. But, what would a Labor victory mean for Americans?

[Kevin] Rudd has pledged to withdraw combat troops from Iraq and sign the Kyoto Protocol, further isolating Washington on both. The Mandarin-speaking former diplomat would also be expected to forge closer ties with China and other Asian nations.

Not good news.

The NY Times, meanwhile, feeding a Liberal bias, notes that market bombs spell the end of the lull. Showing that security can be undermined in “safe areas,” terrorists killed 8-13 people in the Ghazil animal market. It’s interesting that the Times puts all blame on the Bush administration. It makes no attempt to place blame on terrorists—those who wantonly kill innocent people for the sake of their desires. US military officials blamed Iran-backed militants. The bomb was packed with ball bearings, according to Rear Adm. Smith.
"In raids overnight, Iraqi and coalition forces were able to identify and detain four members of a militia extremist group we assess as responsible for this horrific act of indiscriminate violence," he said at a news conference. "Based on subsequent confessions, forensics and other intelligence, the bombing was the work of an Iranian-backed special groups cell operating here in Baghdad."

(…so, if Bush is a criminal…what does that make the bombers…or Iran? interestingly, the NYT does not say…)

Unfortunately, in Lebanon, things have become even more precarious. Unable to hold elections, due to actions by Hezbollah and other pro-Syrian opponents, President Emile Lahoud stepped down, appearing to declare a state of emergency. And, he handed power over to the army. His departure has been a long standing goal of anti-Syrian groups, who are trying to gain control of the presidency. In some ways, the hand over is sensible. The army has tried to stay neutral. But, the constitution requires the cabinet to declare any state of emergency. With the boycott of cabinet activities by Shiite/Hezbollah members, the legitimacy of government is on questionable ground. And, that leaves many afraid of violence breaking out on a greater scale.

(…it pointedly states things against Bush…yet against those who thwart the will of the Lebanese people—like Hezbollah--it says nothing…but, of course, there is no media bias…)