One Year of Wednesday Heroes
(...thanks to Kathi for this wonderful work...)
The Blogroll goes on. There will be more Heroes, fallen and still standing, at home and overseas. Remember them. They are an important reminder of who we really are.
Random thoughts on God, life, work, family, country and the world.
Meanwhile, take time to let a soldier know he's not forgotten.
Visit Any Soldier to find out how.
(...thanks to Kathi for this wonderful work...)
Coach Mark
7:09 AM
Labels: Wednesday Hero
Make no mistake. The Liberal left is making sure it’s voice is heard, and it’s efforts to control America’s destiny are very organized. A recent Media Research Center details how the MSM gives almost twice as much coverage to Liberal candidates as conservative ones. Of course the MSM still denies there is any bias report. Meanwhile, as American Thinker clearly shows, demonstrations against the war are well organized and scheduled for maximum impact via the media. Even inoxious companies are involved in shaping and defining the opinions of Americans to this agenda.
Let’s take a small example. There is an organization, called Digital Divide Network. It has some very lofty goals, some of them I even agree with. The mission statement says:
The Digital Divide Network was launched in December 1999 as a response to the National Digital Divide Summit hosted by U.S. President Bill Clinton. Originally developed by the Benton Foundation and the National Urban League, DDN was designed as an online clearinghouse of news and resources regarding the digital divide.Clearly, the support for this organization is left wing. Additionally, if you go to the Founding editor’s blog, specifically the entry on July 24, 2007, you will discover he is a fan/supporter of Michael Moore. Now, if someone managed to get you into the internet age when you could not do it for yourself, would that influence your decisions? Sure.
Coach Mark
3:05 PM
Labels: Abortion, Commentary, Politics
This Weeks Post Was Suggested By Randy Thorsvig
Coach Mark
8:36 AM
Labels: Wednesday Hero
It was a very slow night at work and for the first time in a while, i was able to do some reading. So, in a recently rare event, I am posting some random thoughts from Blogdom. Enjoy!
Are they really spontaneous anti-war rallies? Take American Thinker’s quiz and see if you know the real truth.
(…thanks to Yankee Mom for the link…)
Flopping Aces had a really good write up on the legal in-and-outs of the NSA wiretapping program. It’s a very interesting read.
And, as if that wasn’t enough, the media is already hard at work discrediting the coming report from Gen. Petraus. Don’t believe me? Check out this breakdown.
Meanwhile, Op-For has discovered that the military is worse about OpSec concerns than milbloggers in uniform.
(…I’m with him…it’s the layers of bureaucracy keeping evil doers safe…oh…sorry…I was thinking of Congress…)
There is a CNN series on religion and America. It’s kind of frightening in the level of denial the left is exercising. Faultline gives his take on it—and some links to a couple of others, too.
And, finally, I will tag off of something Suzanne posted at Big Blue Wave. The radical elements of the left work by intimidation. The goal, as Suzanne makes clear, is to intimidate those who oppose their views into silence. The left has become more and more effective at this in the last few decades. Look at the power very minor sized groups, like the gays and lesbians, hold in our society. There are many known instances where social minority groups have been the more destructive element in confrontations, and they get off by making it about discrimination. And, through uniting their voices, the left has successfully undermined many institutions of society. Islam could very easily do the same thing, as CAIR is demonstrating regularly. The political right must learn to unite its voices in order to overcome and regain influence in general society. If not…
Coach Mark
8:44 AM
Labels: Iraq, Liberalism, Media Bias, Military, Politics, Religion
For those who think you now what Congress or the President can and can’t do about wars, funding, deployments, and the like, you should read this article at the Christian Science Monitor. I’ll be honest, I haven’t researched this one out. So, if you know something different, please post a comment and share your source information.
On the subject of War in Iraq, it seems the extremists are continuing their same old atctics. Innocent people, on their religious pilgrimage, are being attacked. Meanwhile, the governor of the province was also attacked, with the usual roadside bomb. He survived un injured, though two others were killed earlier this month. Of course, security in such a violent area is difficult, at best. But, I loved what U.S. military spokesman Lt. Col. Michael Donnelly told the Associated Press:
"Any civilian casualties are truly regrettable, but it is important to understand that our forces are there to secure the people of Samarra and bring them peace, not bring them harm like the insurgents did,"(…don’t you wish the liberal lefties would get that message?...)
Analysts and diplomats said any Islamist-linked bombings in the run-up to next month's elections would become new ammunition in the ideological war between Islamists and their secular foes, but the vote would not be much influenced by any attacks.With terrorists not having any concrete agenda, it makes thigns a bit easier. Although, I suspect that, given terrorist ideas about allowing change, it is likely to be noisy, messy and bloody all the same.
Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, blamed Gonzales and Bush for "a severe crisis of leadership" at the Justice Department.Believing in more vindictiveness, Sen. Harry Reid had his own comments:
"This resignation is not the end of the story. Congress must get to the bottom of this mess and follow the facts where they lead, into the White House."well, If we are going to point at Clinton and his cronies for the malfeasance, we should expect the same treatment from those on the left.
A Fort Hood soldier from Georgia died in combat in Iraq, the Department of Defense said Saturday.Pfc Cardenas, at our house we remember your cry—the cry of all warriors:
Pfc. Edgar E. Cardenas, 34, of Lilburn, Ga., died Wednesday in Abu Ghraib from wounds sustained from an improvised explosive device.
He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.
"Tell them of us and say,We remember what you have given. And we say thank you for the tomorrows you have given others. May God give back to your family more than they have sacrificed and lost.
For their tomorrow, we gave our today."
--The Kohima Epitaph--
Coach Mark
9:45 AM
Labels: al-Qaeda, Government, In Memorium, Iraq, Islam, News, Politics
It must be due to the weekend arriving. This was a day for strange news. So, I’ll share what I found. You can go find more for yourself, I’m sure.
I generally don’t get deeply involved in the immigration issue. My stance is, simply, if you are here illegally you have broken the law and should be treated as a criminal. If you haven’t, then, of course, nothing should happen. Normally, I state my case, if the subject comes up, and move on. But, the courts have gone WAY over the top on this one. It seems that an appeals court has ruled that while entering the country illegally is a crime, remaining in the country afterwards is not.
(…yeah, I know…the logic doesn’t make sense to me either….but keep reading…)
All of this stemmed from Nicholas Martinez being sentenced to a year in jail after pleading guilty to possession of cocaine and endangering a child. Normally, this would have caused probation. But, since Martinez is an illegal immigrant, he couldn’t go on probation because that would have automatically violated his parole. Sounds logical, even sensible. The case went to appeal (…why did this go to appeal in the first place?... which, of course, generated a ruling
But then an appeals court panel threw out that sentence, saying that while it is illegal to enter the country without permission, it is not necessarily illegal for an illegal alien to remain in the country. In the opinion of that court, Congress has criminalized illegal entry into the U.S., but has not made the "continued presence" of an illegal alien in the country a crime "unless [he or she] has previously been deported."If I am not mistaken, this court decision may have just rendered the entire current debate over immigration null and void. This court decision, I believe, sets the legal precedent which will allow illegal immigrants to remain in the country without penalty.
Because Judge Kitts did not determine whether Martinez had ever been deported, the appeals court ruled she had no legal basis to deny probation.
Federal wildlife officials say spending more than $27 million to research the suspected habitat of the ivory-billed woodpecker is worth the cost, despite conflicting views on whether the elusive bird even exists.The bird was thought to be extinct, until a possible sighting in 2004. So, they created a 185-page report? That’s where most of the cost comes from. More people will probably work on that report than will actually search for the bird, even though it is a four state effort.
"There's enough out there that we've got to keep searching," said Jeff Fleming, a spokesman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. "It'd be irresponsible not to."
The agency this week released a 85-page draft plan aimed at preventing the extinction of the bird. The draft plan, which is open for public comment until Oct. 22, recommends spending more than $27 million in federal dollars on recovery efforts for the woodpecker.
An astounded member of the U.S. delegation said the bomber was not for sale but that it would cost at least $500 million if it were to be sold on the spot.Wouldn’t you just love to have that kind of cash lying around?
"That is no problem. It is such a cool machine," the Russian was quoted as saying…
Coach Mark
11:06 AM
Labels: Courts, Environmentalism, Immigration, Military, Odd News
There is a lot of media hype about former CIA chief George Tenant’s failures allowing al-Qaeda to accomplish their 9-11 plot. Quoting from the BBC article,
But former CIA analyst Ray McGovern told the BBC the inspector general's criticism was justified.I think it’s more important to remember that Tenant was appointed during the Clinton administration. The Clinton modus operendi was to schmooze. The fact that Bush did nothing to change that strategy, does not speak well of Bush. But, I think this is another failure of the Clinton administration being passed on, with the Republicans being blamed by the media.
"... [George Tenet] was too busy schmoozing with foreign leaders and getting sort of swamped with the detail that he forgot that his job was to manage the intelligence community and so the cracks such as existed became wider and wider. He didn't talk to the FBI and 9/11 happened."
"The Karl Roves of the world have built a generation that just wants a couple slogans: 'No, don't raise my taxes, no new taxes,'" Pat Schroeder, president of the American Association of Publishers, said in a recent interview. "It's pretty hard to write a book saying, 'No new taxes, no new taxes, no new taxes' on every page."Now, this does not deny the left has it’s own fondness for slogans. Just visit any anit-war rally or web-site to see all the one liners flying around. Still, there is far too much truth in that for many I have observed on the right. Meanwhile, media bias has also helped portray those on the right as unformed and undereducated. Still, Schroeder was equally unflattering about the left:
She said liberals tend to be policy wonks who "can't say anything in less than paragraphs.Small wonder that speeches by many liberals are so long winded they cause the nap-syndrome to kick in among listeners.
Coach Mark
10:45 AM
Labels: Government, Liberalism, Media
This Weeks Post Was Suggested By Kasee
Coach Mark
10:17 AM
Labels: Wednesday Hero
('s the i'm sharing another one from my email box…enjoy…)
There is a factory in Northern Minnesota that makes the "Tickle Me Elmo" toys The toy laughs when you tickle it under the arms. Well, Lena, a slow but very dependable lady is hired at the "Tickle Me Elmo" factory and she reports for her first day promptly at 8 AM.
The next day there is a knock on the Personnel Manager's door. The Foreman throws open the door and begins to rant and rave about the new employee. He complains that she is incredibly slow and the whole line is backing up, putting the entire production line behind schedule. The Personnel Manager decides he should see this for himself. The two men march down to the factory floor.
When they get there, the line is so backed up that "Tickle Me Elmo's" are all over the floor and they are really beginning to pile up. At the end of the line stands Lena surrounded by mountains of "Tickle Me Elmo's". She has a roll of plush red fabric and a huge bag of small marbles. The two men watch in amazement as she cuts a little piece
of fabric, wraps it around two marbles and begins to carefully sew the little package between Elmo's legs.
The Personnel Manager bursts into laughter. After several minutes of hysterics he pulls himself together and approaches Lena. "I'm sorry," he says to her, barely able to keep a straight face, "....but I think you misunderstood the instructions I gave you yesterday. Your job is to give Elmo two test tickles!"
The digging continues after the massive earthquake hit Peru yesterday. Media reports of 500 dead after the 8.0 quake are expected to go higher.
The Red Cross said it would send planes with tents, blankets and other aid from Panama.It may not reach the victims of this earthquake, but many will benefit from giving blood. So, if you can, please do so.
With a major highway ruined, Peruvian rescuers airlifted victims by helicopter and aircraft to hospitals in Lima. Officials appealed for blood donors to come forward so they could treat the injured.
Computer models showed the hurricane could become an extremely dangerous Category 4 storm as it passed south of Jamaica early next week.Forcasters had predicted 16 named storms for this season, which began on June 1. On average, there are 10-11 storms a year, and maybe 6 of those actually become hurricanes.
Coach Mark
3:10 AM
Labels: Disasters, Government, Liberalism, Media
This Week's Soldier Was Suggested By Kat
Coach Mark
7:32 AM
Labels: Wednesday Hero
Of course, today’s MSM feeding frenzy is all about Karl Rove’s resignation. But, there are many more pressing problems that should have America’s attention, and western society in general.
Did any one notice the rally in Jakarta calling for a single Islamic caliphate? According to this BBC report, over 100,000 gathered to support the idea. The idea of uniting all the Islamic world into one state is not new. In fact, the organizing group (Hizb ut-Tahrir) was formed in 1953. It is a Sunni organization, strongly anti-Israel. It has also been banned in several Arab and Asian countries. This is a harbinger that western society is not grasping. Here is my question: since we cannot get 100,000 gathered to agree on one thing, how are we going to combat that kind of unity?
Want some implications here in America? How about The Khalil Gibran International Academy in New York City? Or perhaps you should consider this statement by American al Qaeda militant Adam Gadahn:
"The amount of respect we have for your international law is even less than the respect you hold for defined shariah, and our observance of it is comparable to your observance of shariah," he said, referring to Islamic law.Or, maybe, we should look at the idea that defensive Jihad is considered a viable defense strategy in US courts. (…this time, it was rejected by the judge…but what might that mean for the future…)
Coach Mark
10:11 AM
Labels: al-Qaeda, Government, Islam, Israel
According to the New York Times, the major political parties are trying to divide up the electoral votes in a new and exciting way. The votes will be apportioned by the congressional district, not based on who wins the majority vote of the state. And, many Democrats believe the Republicans started it.
When state Democratic leaders from around the country meet this weekend in Vermont, the California chairman, Art Torres, expects to be peppered with the sort of questions that have been clogging his in-box for weeks.It is interesting to note that, while the Republicans are doing this in California, the Democrats tabled their own attempt at it earlier this summer.
What is this about Republicans trying to change the way Electoral College votes are allocated in California? Is there a countereffort by Democrats in the works? What does it mean for presidential candidates?
In the North Carolina legislature, Democrats nearly signed off on a similar measure this summer, until the national party chairman, Howard Dean, stepped in to get the issue tabled for the session.The issue comes down to what decides who gets the electoral votes to be president. And, at least according to the NYT, the Republicans are the real bad guys.
They also questioned how the average citizen in one part of the country would know much about a candidate from another part. So they created the "Electoral College" to cast the official, determining votes. These electors are supposedly "eminent men" [keeping in mind that women did not vote until the 1920s], educated and well-informed community leaders.The idea was that these eminent leaders would gather and debate with possible outcome being changed votes and outcomes. It was not, originally, a winner take all system in the States based on the popular vote of the voters, as it is today. Electors were to be chosen by each state. How they were chosen was left to the States. However, the electors would then cast their votes. But, as originally designed, the system would really only work without political parties and without national campaigns. And, that only lasted through four elections. A couple of key points about that system were:
(1) Each State's Electors were required to meet in their respective States rather than all together in one great meeting. This arrangement, it was thought, would prevent bribery, corruption, secret dealing, and foreign influence.Once again, it shows the system was not supposed to be an all-or-nothing system of election.
(2) In order to prevent Electors from voting only for a "favorite son" of their own State, each Elector was required to cast two votes for president, at least one of which had to be for someone outside their home State. The idea, presumably, was that the winner would likely be everyone's second favorite choice.
(3) The person with the most electoral votes, provided that it was an absolute majority (at least one over half of the total), became president. Whoever obtained the next greatest number of electoral votes became vice president - an office which they seem to have invented for the occasion since it had not been mentioned previously in the Constitutional Convention.
Coach Mark
9:50 AM
Labels: Elections, Government, Media
Well, it’s been a busy week, so I’ll just highlight a couple of things from my RSS feeds and email box from the last couple of days…
Yesterday, the BBC reported that Musharraf and Pakistani tribal elders will not attend a 3-day tribal council for peace taking place in Kabul.
Up to 700 tribal elders, Islamic clerics and leaders of both countries are invited to the council, starting on Thursday, which will discuss terrorism.This does not indicate good news for stability in the region. Another report, this via Reuters, said President Pervez Musharraf may declare a state of emergency. Musharraf is trying to stay in power after the elections occur next year. And, he does have a lot of obstacles to doing so. Still, the rumor was announced by private Pakistani television channels, which would be the equivalent of our major networks.
The Taleban have not been included, and are calling for a boycott of the event.
The union believes UN personnel will not be properly protected by US-led forces in the country.The UN has had a much reduced role in Iraqq since December 2003. Terrorists drove them out. And now, they clamor for the US to do this and that. The US admits it can’t and needs help in some areas. But, the UN talks out of both sides of their moths…again. Of course, with the Shia of Iraq and Iran getting cozier by the day that may all be a dead issue.
The call comes as UN officials prepare to pass a draft resolution giving the organisation an expanded role in Iraq.
Coach Mark
9:44 PM
Labels: Hillary, Immigration, Iran, Iraq, Middle East, Obama, Politics, UN
This Week's Soldier Was Suggested By Gary
Coach Mark
7:42 AM
Labels: Wednesday Hero
Libya is still big in the news. Bulgaria is waiving $57 million in debt! Well, sort of. They are putting the money into a fund for HIV victims in Libya—which means Kadfi gets the money twice! What a reward for falsely accusing and imprisoning people! Meanwhile, France and Libya are doing an arms deal! Isn’t that special? Makes me really feel safe again. But, then again, money does talk…
One deal for 168 million euros was for Milan anti-tank missiles and the other for 128 million euros was for communications systems, the source had said.(…really makes me think highly of EADS…which after the Airbus problems, isn’t saying much…)
Rwanda is shocked by a French appeals court ruling that freed two Rwandans indicted by Kigali and an international court over the country's 1994 genocide, and its foreign minister called the decision absurd on Thursday.The two men were freed on a technicality. It seems the French appeals court believes they can only be arrested if the international court was making a judgment, and in this case it was asking for arrest pending any decision.
More than half the states in the past two years have debated expanding legal protections for health care providers, including pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions for the "morning after" pill. Two states have passed them.I’m sure there are a lot of surprised people reading this article. The media has let us believe there is little or no resistance along these lines. But, more and more often, it is ending up in court.
Most disputes arise out of beginning-of-life and end-of-life issues, such as assisted suicide. No doctor is required to perform particular treatments.Honestly, I fail to see why these two ended up in court. If this type of sexual life is natural, fertility treatments do not apply since only by intercourse with the opposite sex (ie. male-female, penis-vagina) can procreation take place. It seems more of an argument against the naturality of it than anything else.
The collision between religious freedom and rules against discrimination occurs when physicians perform procedures selectively, offering them to some patients but withholding them from others, says Jill Morrison, legal counsel to the National Women's Law Center.
This year in a case generating wide interest, the California Supreme Court will hear a first-of-its-kind lawsuit: fertility treatment denied to a lesbian.
In Washington state, a gay man recently settled out of court with a doctor who refused to prescribe him Viagra.
White House press secretary Tony Snow said while the inspection didn't indicate the bridge was at risk of failing, "if an inspection report identifies deficiencies, the state is responsible for taking corrective actions."And, there are over 70,000 more with an estimated repair price tag of $188 billion.
Gov. Tim Pawlenty responded Thursday by ordering an immediate inspection of all bridges in the state with similar designs, but said the state was never warned that the bridge needed to be closed or immediately repaired.
Coach Mark
2:10 AM
Labels: France, Government, Healthcare, Libya, Medicine, Minneapolis, Religion
This Weeks Soldier Was Suggested By Cynthia
Coach Mark
12:59 AM
Labels: Wednesday Hero