“The real problem is not that we are different, nor that we disagree and have conflict. It's that most of us automatically view conflict as something negative rather than as a tool God can use to help us better understand ourselves and one another.

--Robert Ricciardelli”

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

8/14 Morning Report

Of course, today’s MSM feeding frenzy is all about Karl Rove’s resignation. But, there are many more pressing problems that should have America’s attention, and western society in general.

Did any one notice the rally in Jakarta calling for a single Islamic caliphate? According to this BBC report, over 100,000 gathered to support the idea. The idea of uniting all the Islamic world into one state is not new. In fact, the organizing group (Hizb ut-Tahrir) was formed in 1953. It is a Sunni organization, strongly anti-Israel. It has also been banned in several Arab and Asian countries. This is a harbinger that western society is not grasping. Here is my question: since we cannot get 100,000 gathered to agree on one thing, how are we going to combat that kind of unity?

Want some implications here in America? How about The Khalil Gibran International Academy in New York City? Or perhaps you should consider this statement by American al Qaeda militant Adam Gadahn:

"The amount of respect we have for your international law is even less than the respect you hold for defined shariah, and our observance of it is comparable to your observance of shariah," he said, referring to Islamic law.
Or, maybe, we should look at the idea that defensive Jihad is considered a viable defense strategy in US courts. (…this time, it was rejected by the judge…but what might that mean for the future…)

The wake up calls keep coming. When will the West answer the phone?