“The real problem is not that we are different, nor that we disagree and have conflict. It's that most of us automatically view conflict as something negative rather than as a tool God can use to help us better understand ourselves and one another.

--Robert Ricciardelli”

Friday, October 20, 2006


OK…Here’s the first of my big “catch-up” postings. I don’t normally do it this way, but I thought I would just link around the web. Otherwise…well…there’s no telling how long this posting would get!

I’ve read a few interesting articles around the web on Iraq today. If you’re wondering what I think, read this. Apparently, I’m not too far off the beam, judging by these articles. There are actually a couple of good ideas out there. One, is a rather extended diplomatic solution. There are even reports of a bad one—i.e. the possibility of a Coup d’Etat. And there is the concept of letting the Iraqi’s decide in a direct election whether to let American troops stay or leave. That may not be more than just spitting in the wind, though (as us Texans would say it, that is.).

In a related piece of news, here is something you don’t see very day in the mainstream media (MSM). Chickenhawk put out a really great break down on what has changed in Iraq since this whole thing started. A lot of infrastructure changes have gone on. I was really excited to read the list. You should probably check it out, too. Not everything is doom and gloom!

And, for those who don’t think soldiers have a heart, you should visit One Marine’s View in general. Specifically, read the story of Taylor Grayce. Then, read what One Marine did to make a difference. As a Marine General once said, “The greatest supporters of peace are those who have sworn to risk their lives to defend it.”

And, in light of that, CNN’s sniper video deserves a comment or two. Personally, I think it was disgusting that a camera man, or media entity, was paid to film the shootings. CNN made a statement about reporting newsworthy events—even those unsavory ones. Personally, I don’t buy it. Confederate Yankee did a really good breakdown of their statement. And, while I personally don’t want to believe that CNN, or any of the mainstream media, is actually in the hip pocket of terrorists, I do believe that the almost complete negative focus on the US in the middle east is fueling terrorist and insurgent efforts there.

Next up: Elections!