“The real problem is not that we are different, nor that we disagree and have conflict. It's that most of us automatically view conflict as something negative rather than as a tool God can use to help us better understand ourselves and one another.

--Robert Ricciardelli”

Monday, October 30, 2006

Some Laughs And Some News

First, there was this from Mallar Fillmore

Duncan Hunter (R-Calif) announced he is going to run for President. Favored to win his house re-election campaign in San Diego, Duncan could also end up losing his chairmanship of the Armed Services Committee in this year's election. He's helped block creation of a National Intelligence Director, introduced the Parents Empowerment Act, he has stood up to Murtha over Iraq, and he co-authored legislation for the Border fence. Doesn't sound too bad...except that there are much stronger favorites set to run.
(...sounds like little more than a PR stunt to me...how about you...)

According to Reuters, Syria still smuggles weapons smuggled into Lebanon. No big surprise there. Ambassaador Bolton suggested the lack of complaint by the Lebanese governemtn was probably due to fear of Syrian reprisal. The reported response from the top UN diplomat, Terje Roed-Larsen?

Asked about Bolton's comments, Roed-Larsen said he had no specific information about threats of retaliation.

But he noted there had been 14 assassinations or attempted assassinations in Lebanon since the February 2005 murder of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri.
(...Gee...can't imagine how that would intimidate someone...)

And, according to USAToday:
Daily circulation fell 2.8% at U.S. newspapers in the six-month period ending in September, an industry group reported Monday, latest sign of struggle as newspapers try to hold on to paying readers.
Of course, given the growing news of internet power, it's a small wonder that printed material is dropping in demand. (...and the on-line article had an RSS feed, too...imagine that...)

In another USAToday article, fewer cops died in 2005. Isn't it interesting that we can get current numbers on Iraq, but figures inside our own country are 9 months after the fact. The fact that all 55 of the slain officers were killed in cities is a bad indicator about urban life. Which seques nicely (...uuummm...distrubingly...) to the news that St.Louis is the most dangerous city in the US. And, even that news is based on 2005 numbers. Now, I understand that it takes time to compile data. But, 10 months? Come on.

Of course, this should be no real surprise. Despite Pakistani admission of doing the deed, the militants still blame the US for destroying the village. Aparrently, the logic is we sold Pakistan the weapons and aircraft. Say, if that logic is true, how come no one ever blamed the Russians for all the people killed with their weapons? That's as absurd as the anit-gun lobby argument that guns are the problem instead of people.
(...by the way, while I do agree that people do have problems with guns, if we don't solve the people problem, we will never solve the gun problem...we are working at it in the wrong direction...)

And, on the elections, Scott Elliot at Election Projection 2006 had some dismal information today. Let's truly hope he's wrong. Aside from the after effects of this becoming tue, the fact that--repeatedly--the American people will put those in office who have no real plan to accomplish anything is a horrible predictor for our national future.
(...I had forgotten about this source...thanks Castle Argghhh for the reminder...)

If this didn't want to make you cry, it would be funny. I've linked Michelle Malkin for this one. But, there are dozens of sites talking about the recent massive faux pas of the Left regarding Blackface ads. Michelle's write up actually links to smoe better comentary than some of the others, though.
(...and I'll join the host of others asking: why is OK for you, but not those on the Right?...)

So, finally, in a closing note of humor, I send you to the infamous Taco Bell over at Sandgram had this post on how to prepare for a deployment to Iraq.
(...I'm my ribs still hurt and I'm still snickering as I tell you to go read it...)