“The real problem is not that we are different, nor that we disagree and have conflict. It's that most of us automatically view conflict as something negative rather than as a tool God can use to help us better understand ourselves and one another.

--Robert Ricciardelli”

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Valour-IT Update, and the Late News

First things first. A VALOUR-IT Update! (...see my original post for more info...or visit the Valour-IT homepage...) Remember, the goal is for each team to raise $45,000. And, here are the closing day numbers for 10/31 11:59 Central (Day Two):

Air Force: $9704.79
Army: $10,788.00
Marines: $9125.00
Navy: $6477.00
Check the Valour-IT links in the sidebar for the sites of the Team Chiefs.
(…uuummm…we may have set the target too low…???...)

Meanwhile, in the later part of the day’s news…

There's another Democrat who seems to be working hard to help their cause. Reuters had this report about a lawyer arrested in Maine after he dressed up like Bin Laden.
A Maine attorney who released information in 2000 about President George W. Bush's drunken driving conviction was arrested on Tuesday after he dressed up as al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and waved a fake gun at traffic.
But, here is the absolute best part:
Connolly, a Democrat, ran for governor in Maine in 1998.
(Thanks goes to Chickenhawk for the alert)

No Sex Till You’re 30! That’s how the government is marketing an abstinence program, due to so many children being born out of wedlock. The problem is the announcement is aimed at those in their 20s. (…let’s see…we spend how much money in public schools telling our children all about how to have sex…then we expect them not to…am I missing something here?...)

Are white’s being sterotyped in the Media now? That the claim of the only black player on Duke’s lacrosse team. Read up on his defense of his teammates. I love his statement on why he believes the accused teammates declaration of innocence:
Asked how he could be so sure if he wasn't present when the alleged attack took place, Sherwood said he knew the defendants well enough.
"I don't hesitate," he said. "I believe in the character of my teammates. I believe in the character of specifically [the three defendants]. I would never ever … doubt them or think, 'Well, are they lying?' I would never do that, because I believe in them."
(…enough said…)

Is the Iraqi police under militia control?
This MSNBC report says yes. It seems fairly obvious that some elements of it are. However, there are reports of other elements that truly are not. But, with Prime Minister Maliki getting US checkpoints removed, albeit on a limited basis, you’ve got to wonder nonetheless what the leader of Iraq is really doing.

Did Kerry give the Republicans and election gift with his education statement disparaging the military? Well,
ABC News thinks he may have done just that.
Many conservatives think he made things worse when, in his explanation of the original gaff, he made this one:
"It disgusts me that a bunch of these Republican hacks who have never worn the uniform of our country are willing to lie about those who did," Kerry added.
(…those are not words to apologize with…or earn friends among the military…not with his history of sucking up to the enemy…)

On the subject of John Kerry, Michelle Malkin had a link to a great takedown of the bumbling Senator that she got from Scrappleface. Go check it out!

As a final piece of commentary, I send you to Jarhead John for hard hitting, right between the eyes look at how voters make decisions, and what Democrats are doing to take advantage of it.
(…great piece of thought John…Thanks!...)